A Look Back at 2023

It was a year in isolation. After recognizing how bad I was at choosing people that actually align with me, I decided to spend 2023 prioritizing my relationship with myself over all others.

It was peaceful. No unnecessary drama, no one to judge my actions, no toxicity draining my energy.

But, it was also intensely lonely. A lot of quiet nights with my thoughts. Nobody around to hang out or kill time with. A phase in my life that often times just felt boring.

Over the course of the 365 days of isolation, there were many times when I questioned what I was doing. Was I really protecting my peace or just punishing myself for my past decisions?

They say in times of loss, you're just making space for newer and better things. But, I often wondered if the sentiment was just a myth to help us grieve. Was there really more waiting for me on the other side? Or have I signed myself up for a life of isolation?

Then, the last quarter of the year hit. I started to think to myself that my period of peace was coming to a close. While I've learned a lot about myself in this time, none of it would mean anything so long as I was scared to live again.

So, slowly, I started to rebuild.

I went live again with The Hustle Legacy. Started posting across my social media channels, revived the website, created new podcast episodes, looked for communities of content creators like me.

I reaffirmed the boundaries I set in my existing relationships. Practiced asserting myself at times when I felt wrongfully defined by others. I used little acts to show myself that I'm not the person I once was - the person that was easily walked over.

I made myself a promise that the last quarter of this year would be spent coming out of hiding. With only a few months of the year left, I wanted to set myself up to give myself the best chance at the best year in 2024.

I didn't know what my new life was going to look like. I didn't know what new characters would be introduced this season or what experiences I would be chasing. On the worst days, it was that uncertainty that kept me from even wanting to try.

But, I didn't have any other choice. Any burst of energy I could get, I'd spend pushing myself forward in anyway I can.

Did I accomplish everything I told myself I would by the end of the year? No.

To be honest with you, I thought I'd have more of a plan by now. I thought I would have more established streams of income and a solid content creating system. None of that really happened.

But, the fruits of your labor aren't always reflected in the ways you assume they would be. What I have done in the time since I've decided to resurrect myself couldn't have been planned and methodically achieved.

You see, in this time, I've learned to embrace the discomfort of building your own legacy. The discomfort that comes with:

  • believing in yourself despite it not being the logical or financially stable option

  • explaining yourself to every person that questions your vision

  • putting yourself out there to find people that do align with you

  • battling the inner guilt of "not doing enough" towards your dreams

  • learning how to choose what to prioritize

  • risking it all for what often feels like nothing but a fantasy

When it comes to whether or not you’ll ever make your dreams come true, it’s not about having the skill or ability. It’s about having the guts. Looking back at 2023, I’m proud to have built up the strength needed to keep me on course.

There’s no more wasting time second-guessing my abilities or rebuilding my confidence. I've already put in the work.

In 2024, it's time to go full force.


Getting Started on YouTube: The Experience


Put on a Pedestal (2023 Rewrite)