Culture Making

Welcome to the Resources section of The Hustle Legacy blog!

Here, I share books, podcasts, YouTube videos, and anything else that I’ve consumed to help me on my journey to embracing my identity. My goal by sharing these resources with you is to highlight different conversations, viewpoints, and concepts that may play a part in you feeling silenced by the world. These resources are meant to equip you with tools that give you a better understanding of the world around you and empower you with the knowledge needed to fight against the current global narrative.

This post highlights a book written by Houston White, Jr., Culture Making. This novel unravels the intricate dynamics of culture creation that challenges conventional perspectives on how society evolves. I wanted to share this resource with you because of the unique perspective it brings to the value we each individually have to add to humanity. As a creative entrepreneur myself, this novel became a tool that breathed oxygen into the fire burning inside me that drives The Hustle Legacy journey. Read more about it below, and be sure to let me know if you stop by Target to give the book a read.

Book Overview

Title: Culture Making

Author: Houston White, Jr.

Length: 176 pages


A Target exclusive novel, Culture Making explores the transformative entrepreneurial journey of Equality advocate and Target partner, Houston White, Jr. This novel unravels the intricate dynamics of culture creation that challenges conventional perspectives on how society evolves. White believes that embracing the differences we all have to offer instead of working against them is the backbone of all cultural evolution. As such, those that celebrate the variety of human experiences we all live are better equipped to tap into their creative power in order to build a Legacy that becomes larger than themselves.

Through engaging anecdotes and profound insights, White invites readers to reassess their role in society, urging them to become proactive agents of change rather than passive bystanders. He explores the intersections of art, media, technology, and social movements, illustrating how each contributes to the cultural landscape in unique ways. By emphasizing the importance of creativity, empathy, and collaboration, White empowers readers to harness their individual and collective potential to influence the world around them.

At its core, "Culture Making" is a call to action—a manifesto for those who aspire to leave a lasting impact on society. With practical wisdom and thoughtful analysis, White inspires readers to embrace their identity as culture makers, encouraging them to cultivate environments that foster innovation, diversity, and inclusivity. Ultimately, "Culture Making" is not just a book—it's a roadmap for navigating the complexities of cultural change and charting a course towards a more vibrant and resilient future.

History of the Book

With what started as a conversation about building an inclusive cultural work environment, White has built a strong and lasting partnership with the Target corporation to provide opportunities and resources to black and brown members of our community. From hosting events meant to cultivate the Black culture, to releasing a product line that allows boys and girls of color to feel fly in a fit designed by someone that looks like them, White has leveraged his relationship with the Company's leadership to build a more inclusive and creative world.

Target, known for its commitment to diversity and community engagement, saw an opportunity to amplify White's message of proactive cultural creation. By making "Culture Making" a Target exclusive, White gains access to a wide audience, reaching beyond traditional bookstores to connect with communities nationwide. Together, White and Target aim to inspire readers to embrace their role as culture makers, fostering a more inclusive and innovative society.

Why I Read This Book

I came across this novel while browsing the book aisles of Target one day. It was Circle Week, which meant the store had a buy 2 get 1 free sale on books. Now if you've been to Target, you know their selection isn't huge (compared to a book store). Considering I put parameters on the types of books I wanted to read this year, I wasn't sure if I would find a whole three books in the categories I was looking for. That's when I stumbled upon Culture Making.

Reading the title and the subheading - "When creative entrepreneurship and community building collide" - it was a no brainer that this HAD to be one of the books I got that day. I mean, did you read the cover? It seemed like this book was made for me and The Hustle Legacy that I've been on.

Creating a culture.

Creative entrepreneurship.

Building community.

Everything I'm looking to do written out in one book. Did I expect for this book to give me all of the answers? No. But, it's important to constantly look for new sources of inspiration that fuels your journey and expands your knowledge to lead you to success. That's the purpose this book served for me.

Emotions Evoked from This Book

This book had me hypppppeeeeeee!

Flip the cover open, and you immediately get quotes from idols like Jay Z, Issa Rae, and Nipsey Hussle.

Wherever I go, I bring the culture with me, so that they can understand that it’s attainable.
— Jay Z

What a way to start a book. Without spelling it out, White starts his book off by saying "if you want to be one of The Greats, then you have to think like one, too."

I remember, I began reading this book in between sets at the gym. Putting work towards my physique while simultaneously nourishing my mind fueled me with an energy to create that most people only feel on the super special days, like weddings or vacations.

Each chapter made me more and more grateful to be a part of this complex web of humanity. It encouraged me to stop thinking so small - to recognize the power that my little part brings.

When reading this book, I thought to myself " I want to have a story like Houston White, Jr.'s".

I want the things that I've done to be way bigger than just myself.

I want to be responsible for building a culture that hasn't existed yet.

I want to bring people together and help them see their similarities, despite their differences.

I want to work on grand projects with grand companies and help change the way we all view the world.

I want to leave behind a Legacy.

Given this brand's namesake, we all know I've been on this journey far before I read this book. But, books like this are the fuel needed to keep us on paths like this. These 176 pages kept my fire going and reminded me why I started this whole thing in the first place.

Houston White, Jr. helped wake me up.

Why You Should Read It

This was an easy read. One you could knock out in a day without even trying. The stories are personal. They remind you of how beautiful life can really get, even in - no - especially in the moments that feel the most hopeless and heartbreaking.

Those are the moments when humanity shows its true colors. The only word I can think of to describe this book is "magical".

And not because it's that life-changing, but because seeing the world from White's perspective reminds you that there really is magic all around us. After the years of division that we've all been feeling, White reminds you of what it feels like to be united.

This book is much more than a guide for creative entrepreneurs like me. This is a reminder of the miracle of humanity. It opens your eyes to the idea that while we may all be living out our own stories, we are all a part of a much bigger history that should feel like an honor rather than a defect.

My review: whoever you are, go to Target right now and purchase this book. A must read.


Want More Resource Recommendations?

I am on a constant mission to uncover more gems like this one. Get podcast, video, or book recommendations that give you the tools to embrace your identity by following me on social media. I share links to resources like this whenever I come across something with valuable knowledge worth sharing. I can’t wait for us to be friends!


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