Love the Way You Lie II - Eminem Series
I grew up in fear of my father. Although his abuse stopped long before it could get to me, the threat of his violence to my mother and older sister remained. I remember the moment I realized that it wasn't normal to have your first memory being your father giving your sister a black eye.
Giving My Family's Dreams the Roots it Needed
When I moved back in with my parents, I knew that the sacrifices I chose to make could not go in vain. As I continued to refine the environment of The Hustle Legacy, I also began to make plans for turning my mom's cooking passion into a business. This was a large feat to undertake. Although entrepreneurial in spirit, the one thing my family lacked that kept them from starting a business in the past was a clear understanding of how businesses were built. Luckily for them, their youngest daughter had been studying entrepreneurship since the ripe age of 15.
Dear Mommy & Papa, Thank You for Giving Me the Gift of Dreaming Big
Introducing a new series of letters written for The Unsealed community, a writing initiative that uses a collection of voices to ignite and empower individuals through the exchange of inspirational open letters.
Put on a Pedestal (2023 Rewrite)
Imagine a world where everyone treats you as "Little Miss Perfect". Born pretty, polite, and gifted, the world treats you as if you could do no wrong. Placed on a pedestal, you're taught to look down on everyone that could never amount to all that you are.