Giving My Family's Dreams the Roots it Needed

I was never an average child. Growing up in a family brimming with entrepreneurial spirit without the knowledge or resources to act on it, I have been determined from a young age to turn every chance I got into an opportunity for greatness for my family.

I was raised with an understanding that education was the key to unlocking one's full potential. So, I stayed on the straight and narrow path to prioritize my educational opportunities. After completing my degree in business and marketing at a top-renowned university, it became clear to me that there was only one thing I could do with the education and opportunity I received: to empower my family in finally making their dreams come true.

How it Happened

When I moved back in with my parents, I knew that the sacrifices I chose to make could not go in vain. As I continued to refine the environment of The Hustle Legacy, I also began to make plans for turning my mom's cooking passion into a business.

This was a large feat to undertake. Although entrepreneurial in spirit, the one thing my family lacked that kept them from starting a business in the past was a clear understanding of how businesses were built. Luckily for them, their youngest daughter had been studying entrepreneurship since the ripe age of 15.

Nonetheless, convincing my family that our chance to start this business was now or never took immense patience and dedication. Without their full conviction, I set out to create a business plan. I registered for an LLC and put together a strategy to get the ball rolling.

Eventually, with enough proof behind the pudding, my family began to work as a team. We went into the year with a solid game plan: quarterly goals, monthly meetings, outreach strategy, the whole nine yards. Soon enough, Arifa's Taste was seeing more success than we even could have predicted.

Success is All in the Confidence

See, I understood the most crucial ingredient for any entrepreneur wasn't a perfect plan, but unwavering belief. It's a fact that's been drilled into me time and time again from the numerous entrepreneurs and successful businesspeople that I've crossed paths with in my lifetime.

I knew that my mother had all of the talent it took to run a successful catering business. What she lacked was the confidence in her dream and herself to see it through. So, I became confident enough for her.

Through the support of her daughters, Arifa began to see herself differently. With each accomplishment, she began to believe that she could be a successful businesswoman. Watching my mother finally get to put her dreams first for the first time in her life filled me with a sense of pride.

All of the sacrifices were worth it to see my mom walk into an event with her head held high and her food in her hand. They sacrificed everything to give me education and opportunity. Now, I was able to give that education and opportunity right back to them.

A Year of Triumph

As we approach our first year in business, not only has Arifa's Taste met our initial goals, but we've exceeded them beyond expectations. Making plans for the future has become filled with excitement and opportunity. It's crazy to think that just a year ago, I was still trying to convince my family of the potential behind this "far-fetched" idea.

I'm proud to stand behind Arifa's Taste as a shining example of what can be achieved when unwavering support and confidence meets education and strategic planning.

Follow Arifa's Taste's Journey

Get a taste of Arifa's magic for yourself by checking out her website (designed by yours truly 😉) This is the story of an immigrant mother who's daughters joined forces to help make her dreams come true. To follow along on the journey, subscribe to The Hustle Legacy newsletter. We'll continue to post articles like this to document Arifa's growth and her journey as an entrepreneur. Be the first to know when those articles release by subscribing to the newsletter and following me on socials.

Thank you so much for being a part of The Hustle Legacy journey💎


Design Your Legacy Recap: The Hustle Legacy’s First In-Person Event