Love the Way You Lie II - Eminem Series
I grew up in fear of my father. Although his abuse stopped long before it could get to me, the threat of his violence to my mother and older sister remained. I remember the moment I realized that it wasn't normal to have your first memory being your father giving your sister a black eye.
The Oedipus/Electra Complex: A Lens for Understanding Relationship Dynamics
Imagine having a crush on your dad. It sounds appalling, yet, one of the oldest theories of human behavior, the Oedipus and Electra Complex, is based on the idea that all of us are behaving on the subconscious notion that we aspire to be with our parent of the opposite sex.
Dear Mommy & Papa, Thank You for Giving Me the Gift of Dreaming Big
Introducing a new series of letters written for The Unsealed community, a writing initiative that uses a collection of voices to ignite and empower individuals through the exchange of inspirational open letters.